ETI Ltd Apps

BlueTherm Pro 2.0.8
BlueTherm™ Pro App Description**MONITOR AND RECORD MULTIPLE TEMPERATURES AT ONCE AS PARTOFYOUR INDUSTRIAL, SCIENTIFIC, OR FOOD SERVICE PROCESS**BlueTherm Pro from Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltdisdesigned to allow Android Devices to be used in conjunctionwiththe ETI Ltd BlueTherm Duo, as an easy-to-use 2-channelthermocouplethermometer. Create and save custom process profiles,monitortemperature readings with customizable recording updaterates,graph results and email data to your inbox tostoreelectronically.FEATURESCreate and Save custom process “profiles”Name your probesBuild alarms sequences for each probeCustomize temperature recording intervalsRecord temperature data in a graphEmail temperature data to store electronicallyAdd notes to document changes in the processJump to alarm to quickly rearrange and edit alarmsContinuous Min/Max temperature displayOne-touch start and stop recordingHOW TO GET STARTEDDownload the BlueTherm Pro AppEnable bluetooth and sync to your BlueTherm using the serialnumberon the back of the deviceEnter the PIN found in the BlueTherm Duo instructions tocompletesyncStart monitoring temperatures, or build a custom process profilebyselecting the “Profile” functionSelect the + button in the top right to add a new ProfileName your probesAssign and name alarms in the alarms tabStart recording!HOW TO VIEW SAVED READINGSTemperature reading can be viewed under the “Table” tab. Whileonany screen you can rotate the device horizontally and itwillautomatically display the graph where channels one and two willbedisplayed with the recording intervals set earlier. Sequencealarmswill be displayed on the graph with a pin.HOW TO EMAIL THE RESULTSThe prompt to email temperature data is found under the “Table”tab.Select the email button and you’ll be prompted to enteryourrecipients email address. The CSV file will automaticallybesent.
HACCP Mobile 1.2.3

HACCP Mobile from ETI Ltd is designed to allow Androidphonesand tablets to be used in conjunction with the ETI LtdBlueThermProbe, as a thermometer. In seconds you can turn yourAndroidDevice into a professional HACCP solution. Create customlists forusers and food items with free Windows® accessorysoftware, thenemail them to your mobile device. Assign high and lowtemperaturesettings for each food item. Store temperature readingswith thetouch of a button and add user notes and corrective actionswhereneeded. Email the results to your inbox to storeelectronically asa CSV file.

• Company/Location Profiles
• Create lists of Users or operators for each profile
• Labels for food items that will be tested with theBlueTherm™probe
• High and Low temperatures for each item being measured
• Notes that users can attach to specifictemperaturereadings
• User Alerts let you know when a food item is outside of thesafeparameters
• Email results to inbox as a CSV file
• Store data electronically, or print for your records

Download the free HACCP Mobile Desktop Software for Windows®at to createchecklistson your PC and email them to your mobile device, here.Onceinstalled:
• Select New to start a new Company Name/Location
• Create a list of Users
• Setup Labels or food items that will be tested with theBlueThermProbe
• Setup Notes or corrective actions that users can attachtospecific recorded readings

With your checklists created, simply send (via email) themtoyour phone or tablet and open the HACCP Mobile App.

Once inside the App, select a user and food item.Recordingtemperatures is easy.
• Select a Label (food item) by tapping the label selection boxinthe centre of the screen
• Insert the probe into the medium to be measured (minimum of1/4”immersion)
• When the reading stabilizes, tap Store Reading
• Add a note or corrective action, if needed
• Once the temperature is stored, a confirmation window willconfirmthe reading
• Move on to the next food item

Saved readings can viewed at any time by tapping View Readings.Theyare displayed in order with the
most recent item displayed atthetop. Each reading displays:
• The first several characters of the label in the list
• ‘P’ or ‘F’ for pass/fail
• Date
• Time
• Reading Value

Readings that are outside of the hi/low temperature limitsareindicated with a red font.

Completed lists can be emailed to one or more addresses withthetouch of a button.
• Select the View Readings Tab
• Select which email recipients you’d like to send theresultsto
• An email will be generated in your devices messagingsystem
• Hit ‘Send’
• Email results to inbox as a CSV file